August 11, 2013

Four Beautiful DU'AAS

Allahumma ja'alni min at-tayyibeen, wal mutta-tahireen, wal muhsineen, wa ma'al ladheena yahfadhohum fooroojahum.

'Oh Allah please keep me chaste, pure, away from the lewdness, and amongst those who guarded their private parts.'


Allahumma baa’id bayni wa bayna khataayaaya kama baa’adta bayna al-mashriqi wa’l-maghrib. Allahumma naqqini min khataayaaya kama yunaqqa al-thawb al-abyad min al-danas. Allaahumma ighsilni min khataayaaya bi’l-thalji wa’l-maa’i wa’l-barad.

'O Allah, put a great distance between me and my sins, as great as the distance You have made between the East and the West. O Allah, cleanse me of sin as a white garment is cleansed from filth. O Allah, wash away my sins with snow and water and hail.'


Ya Muqallib al Quloob, thabbit qalbi 'ala deenik.

'O Controller of the hearts make my heart steadfast in Your religion.'


Allahumma arinal-haqqa haqqan warzuqnat-tiba'ah, wa arinal-batila batilan warzuqnaj-tinabah, bi rahmatika ya arhamar-rahimeen.

'O Allah! Let us see the good as good (haq is also translated as the truth/reality), and bless us with following it. And show us the falsehood as falsehood, and bless us with staying away from it, with Your mercy, O Most Merciful!'

July 10, 2013

The Hunger Games!

I got this from's facebook page :-)

My Goals for Ramadan this year!

My goals for Ramadan this year, inshaAllah! Sharing them here as they might give others ideas to do the same I haven't had a Ramadan which I'd call very spiritual in the past two or three years, because of my surroundings and because well, I was lazy. InshaAllah this year I will try to be different

1) Read 1/30th of the Quran in Arabic every day and thus finish it in one month inshaAllah!

2) Read the same 1/30th of the Quran with easy translation in English and thus finish the translation of the Quran in one month too inshaAllah. Reading Quran with translation is something I have never been able to do with consistence (never finished it either) and I guess part of it is because I was focusing on the heavy-duty translation + explanations of the Quran. Step by step this time inshaAllah!

3) Go for Tarawih more than any Ramadan before.

4) Lose some much-hated fat by eating less at both Suhur and Iftar (especially Iftar!)

5) Try to exercise and be active instead of being a lazy ass while fasting!


Ramadan is here!! :D

Ramadan Kareem to Muslims and non-Muslims alike!

Alhamdulillah I have been lucky enough to get a few days of Ramadan at home and in Saudi Arabia after 3 years! Alhamdulillah, I look forward to making the best of my time here and in Ramadan as a whole ameen!

May this Ramadan be a means of turning back to Allah & may He enable us to take maximum benefit from these blessed days. May we earn His blessings, seek his forgiveness and freedom from hell fire. Ameen!

First day of fasting starts in just three hours :D :D

June 23, 2013

I felt fear in Belfast.

So, Bhaijan and I were roaming around Belfast and were on the Shankill road looking at the political mmurals there. I asked a guy for directions towards the central library. He told us the directions and then asked us where we were from. We said Pakistan. He then pointed towards his shirt which said BNP. He asked if we know what it meant. We said we do not know exactly. He said it stands for the British Nationalist Party. So we said that means you support the UK? (Because there is a conflict between Britain & Ireland). He said no it means that I believe in white skin. You immigrants will come otherwise. We told him that we are here for just two days, don't worry. We thanked him and were going to leave when he waves at the three guys across the road and tells us those guys are from EDL (English Defence League)!!

The rest of our walk back to the hostel was spent looking behind us every few seconds and seeing every other person suspiciously because we were shit scared.What an experience! However, to their credit they warned us and did not beat us up :D

Goodbye, UK :)

And UK comes to an end. Life goes on. It was an absolutely amazing six months Alhamdulillah! I met so many people and learnt so much from them! I made friendships which I will cherish forever. I have left the UK with changed perceptions, broadened horizons and hopefully a better person inshaAllah!

Though, I do not want to risk forgetting names, a special shout out to my Italian and my Pakistani friends and others who made my time at Warwick so much good!

I cannot stop thanking Allah for my dearest brother. Alhamdulillah for him! We bonded so well and became even closer than we ever were. He truly is a brother unlike any other! Thank you so much Bhaijan for everything. I love you so much and will miss you a lot! ♥ May Allah give you all the happiness in the world ameen! :')

Jis shehr-e-muhabbat ne humein loot liya hai,
Uss shehr se ab kooch ka imkan hai Mohsin

May 26, 2013

Shikwa and Jawab-e-Shikwa

I write this for the two masterpieces of Dr. Muhammad Allama Iqbal, Shikwa and Jawab-e-Shikwa. A month ago, I discovered these two poems by him which, despite my not understanding them completely, have affected me in a positive way.

I belive that everyone should study these two poems as they have the power to change how the Pakistani society (any Urdu-speaking Muslim, really) thinks. I myself am still studying them so that I can understand them in a much better way. I request you to read SHIKWA (1909) and JAWAB-E-SHIKWA (1913). I believe sense can be knocked into all Muslims if only we were all aware of these two masterpieces. Infact, all Muslims can benefit from it as they can simply read the English translation. I present to you:



And a nice article about them:

May 11, 2013

Pakistan Election 2013! It is time to Wake up!

Please don't forget to wake up and get your lazy butts moving. Do not regret, do not abstain and do not be scared of threats! Fight against oppression. It is time for a Naya Pakistan! BOHT HOGAYA!

I am so excited for tomorrow. I cannot sleep and I feel how I feel right before exam results are supposed to come out. This is better and bigger than all of that! Do not forget to pray Salat-al-Haajat. Pray to Allah for change in Pakistan And bring change in yourselves as well!

Even Indians and Bangladeshis are supporting Imran Khan in Pakistan! Vote for PTI, Vote for Change, Vote for stability and prosperity not just in Pakistan but for the whole subcontinent region and beyond!

I can't be in Pakistan to vote, but you are there and you must use your head and vote IMRAN KHAN and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf!